Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jun 27th-Jun 30 2013: The 4-day BRAND NEW FORMAT Art of Living Course-Mark your calendars!!

We have a Brand New format for the Art of Living Course-MORE Fun, MORE Enthusiasm, MORE Knowledge and MORE for YOU!!

Come and experience this new incredible format, Jun 27th-Jun 30th. The course will be taught by a excellent team of teachers 

Monday, October 24, 2011

About the Art Of Living

The Art of Living Foundation, is a non-profit, volunteer based organization founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to upliftsociety by strengthening the individual through programs that create a sense of belonging, restore human values, develop life to its full potential, and encourage people from all backgrounds, religions, and cultural traditions to come together in celebration and service. It has programs in more than 150 countries around the world, and offers several courses to bring individuals knowledge and techniques to unlock their deepest potential and bring fullness to life.

The Art of Living Course

Live with Joy, Purpose and Confidence. 

Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Course this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power to create a joyous life that is on-purpose, the confidence to stretch and grow beyond limiting beliefs, and the ability to lead a deeply fulfilling life.

The Challenge is in the Mind                                          
In today’s demanding, distracting world the mind is stuck in the past and the future. But happiness is here and now. It cannot be experienced when one is stuck regretting yesterday or worried about tomorrow. During the Art of Living Course you will discover your unlimited power and freedom - not as a concept, but as a direct experience.

The Solution is in: Sudarshan Kriya®
The centerpiece of the Art of Living Course is the Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful technique that uses specific, natural rhythms to get you unstuck.  Sudarshan Kriya, time tested based on ancient Vedic knowledge, yields continued growth.

Tools for Your Expanded Life
As an Art of Living Course participant you will learn to master several practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life.


Narendar Shankar has been an active volunteer of the foundation since 1998 and has been an instructor since 2002. He has taught Art of Living programs to thousands of people across the United States and around the world. People who have benefited from his programs include executives and CEOs of large corporations, nobel laureates, deans/faculty members of leading universities and the community at large across the bay area. Narendar also works in the IT industry and believes there is a good synergy between his work and his volunteering activities for Art of Living, which he fondly calls Inner Transformation (IT)



Rutwik Vashi is an active volunteer since 1999, and a teacher since 2001, Rutwik teaches meditation and breathing programs all over the United States. Thousands of participants -- IT professionals (indeed, professionals from many fields) academics, college students, and people of all ages and persuasions -- have benefited. He is an inspirational teacher who empowers people, especially youth, to transform themselves and their society.Rutwik works in the IT industry as an ERP consultant. The consummate multi-tasker, he skillfully juggles the demands of a challenging professional life, teaching Art of Living programs, as well as home and family life.

He also manages to find time for singing, drumming, dancing, cooking, and travel. His is a big, busy life and whatever he commits to he gives his 100%.